Switch Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator中文+NSP+XCI+补丁下载



Everyone has them, and everyone wants them. You are an Organ Trader, the funnel for fleshy meat parts into a strange, evolving, and desperate universe full of clients.

Contend with the cutthroat organ market. Trade viscera with dubious figures. Keep vampire-leech organs from devouring the rest of the goods inside your cargo hold. Flood galaxies with meat. Make a profit.
This is Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator: the sci-fi body horror market tycoon you didn't know you needed.

Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator 资源列表:

  • XCI
    • [010000D016FC2800][].xci 美版 整合版
  • NSP
    • [010000D016FC2000][].nsp 美版 本体 系统版本:13.2.1
    • [010000D016FC2800][].nsp 美版 升级补丁 系统版本:14.1.1

百度网盘 Switch Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator中文+NSP+XCI+补丁下载:点击下载

收录时间:2023-08-05 12:30 数据来源:游戏公社 资源有问题?

百度网盘 Switch Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator中文+NSP+XCI+补丁下载:点击下载

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Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator

ORGANS. Everyone has them, and everyone wants them. You are an Organ Trader, the funnel for fleshy meat parts into a strange, evolving, and desperate universe full of clients. Contend with the cutthroat organ market. Trade viscera with dubious figures. K…

  • 开发商:
    Strange Scaffold
  • 发售日期:
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